Today, I want to tell you something that is really important:

Noone has got it all together. In truth, we are all a hot mess in some part of our lives. And that is absolutely ok. When you see someone you admire or you look at images online, remember, that in some way or another, nothing is ever as perfect as it seems.

When I get ready to write my newsletter, when I select photos of my food or create my website, my aim is always to make it look lovely. Soothing in a way. And inspiring – I hope. But never forget: When I put all this together, my house is a complete mess. Or I am. Or sometimes both. Because I can’t do it all at the same time.

My friend came over for lunch the other day and my kitchen looked lovely and tidy. Because I wasn’t working. When I’m working, my kitchen is a mess. When I go out, I like to look somewhat put together, but rest assured: at home the washing is piling up from the laundry, through to the living room. That’s just the way it is.
On some days, when everyone is well, we go downstairs to start the day and all the bedrooms are tidy, beds are made and toys are packed away. When one of the kids is sick, this changes in an instant to an absolute chaos. Everywhere!

Not always, but a lot of the time. I’m in the sick kids scenario at the moment and this morning I cooked semolina pudding on the one hob that wasn’t piled up with dirty pots and pans.

If you ever feel like things are piling up and it all gets too much, remember this:

One: The most powerful thing you can do for yourself, is to let go of the idea that you need to have it all together in all of the areas of your life, all of the time.

Two: How to stop beating yourself up about chaos: Have less stuff. Decluttering has a tremendous effect on easing your mental load. You’ll be able to make peace with chaos more easily, when you know it will only take you half an hour to tidy it up. It eases the pressure and stress you might feel.

Three: Focus on one thing only. Make one thing priority. But only one.
This is possibly the hardest bit. Because you want to get ALL the things done, don’t you. I know I struggle with this a lot… Choosing one thing doesn’t mean you won’t get anything else done. It just means you can make peace with the imperfection of the rest.

Today I choose to write to you and not tidy up the house first. Because I want to tell you that you don’t have to keep it all together in all aspects of your life to be a wonderful and successful person, worthy to be admired and cared for. You, my friend, are capable and loveable and perfect, just the way you are.

Life happens in all the messy moments. You can choose to find beauty in the mess.

Much love,

Katrine x


Cover Photo by Tom Crew on Unsplash